Shut the fuck up and listen.

I find it hard to hide me.  I can't gloss over things, if I'm sad I'm sad, if I need to talk I talk and I when I sing my songs I have to sing them true. 
I've just played what FEELS like the worst gig in a looooooong time.  I'm in a beautiful place, being well looked after and have a room full of ears in front of me if only I had the energy to want to, and try to, ask for their attention, but I don't.

My music needs to scream, it needs to sigh, breathe, be loud and I need to sweat.  Now, I'm faced with a huge dining room in a beautiful Scottish hotel but no matter how hard I try, no matter how loud the voice in my head says "talk to them, win them over" I just. Fucking. Can't.  I can't.  I'm too tired.  I'm not in the right place, I'm making excuses?  I don't really know.

I don't feel like a singer songwriter, I feel like a rhythm section, I feel like a drum kit smashing hard and loud.  I'm in a place where I feel my drum kit would need to be altered.  It would be too much, too loud.

I'm faced with a new problem: demographic.  I've had to tame myself, my music, my personality a LOT during this tour, for various reasons.  Compromise on the integrity of the art I'm trying to make to please (or more just not upset) a particular audience.  It's caused some tears tonight and I feel totally done.

The audience I have in front of me has to fit, I'm realising that now.  I'm not necessary a controversial artist but I'm also not completely family friendly either and that's just me.  

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