Eleven BRAND NEW DEMOS available on Patreon.com for $1!

Hello you lot!

I have just uploaded my latest demo to our amazing community over on Patreon.  It's named "Strung Along".

There are 30 of us now on Patreon.  I am so incredibly thankful and PROUD of this page and how productive it has made me.  It's nearing the end of January and studio time is fast approaching and I am still writing, making adjustments and trying to work out what 11/12 out of the 20 tracks I have will make the cut! 

If you sign up you will instantly have access to ALL the demos, join in the conversation, help me decide which songs to keep and cut, be a part of something new.  There are also two online house shows that were recorded EXCLUSIVELY for patrons available straight away! 

Thank you everyone so far for all the support you have shown.  My wee ginger heart loves you lots and lots like jelly tots :) 

Rosie xxxx


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